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Lake 22

Hiked June 27, 2023

Lake 22 – All photos in this post were taken on my iPhone 13 Pro and DJI Mini 3 Pro drone

Hiking to Lake 22 was a surreal experience and one of my favorite hikes that I’ve ever done. The lake itself was gorgeous, but what I loved even more was the journey to the lake and walking around it. I did this hike on a foggy morning, so a majority of the time the trail was shrouded in fog. This made for a very moody hike and I felt like I was walking through a misty, magical land. Throughout this 5.4 mile hike, you can hear the rush of Twentytwo Creek as you steadily climb through a forest of western hemlock, mountain hemlock, alder, and red cedar. There are several waterfalls flowing down Twentytwo Creek. One of the waterfalls that I stopped at was tucked back into the forest.

Waterfall off the main trail
Closer look of the right side of the waterfall and where it’s flowing from

This waterfall was about 1.5 miles into the trail and isn’t marked. I found it because I saw a small path to my left leading towards the sound of rushing water, which usually indicates a waterfall is near. My curiosity got the better of me so I followed the path into the forest. I didn’t know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised, the waterfall was serene and secluded. After admiring this waterfall and having a snack, I continued on the main trail up a rocky hill. The section of the trail was my favorite because the fog was being blown around through the trees, making them look mysterious and full of secrets.

Hiking up to the rocky section of the trail
Misty clearing
The fog makes the forest look so beautiful
It amplifies the forests lushness
Onward to Lake 22

Once I reached the lake, it was completely covered in fog. I couldn’t see very far in front of me. I had no idea what the lake or my surroundings looked like because I had never done this trail before.

Staring into the fog
The abyss
Path into the fog

Despite not being able to see anything, I still wanted to walk the loop around the lake since it wasn’t very long. As I begin walking, the fog started to clear up a little bit and the sun started to peak through. I passed an older man on the trail and we were talking about how foggy it was. He told me that I should try to wait out the fog. Since fog moves, there was a chance that the weather would clear up. So I followed his advice and continued to wait. I’m glad I did, because he was right. The fog started to float away and the sun came out.

First views of Lake 22
Mount Pilchuck starting to show itself
The fog floating away
Almost clear

The mixture of fog and sun made for breathtaking views. Since I could see better, I decided to fly my drone to investigate my surroundings from above. Once I made it to the sky, I could see that the fog was being pushed north out of the mountain range.

The fog moving north away from Lake 22
A division of fog and land

After about an hour, I was finally able to see all of my surroundings. This hike made me realize how unpredictable mother nature can be and how patience pays off. If I had given up and turned around, I would’ve never seen these breathtaking views. While I love hiking in moody weather, it was a surreal experience being able to see Lake 22 completely covered in fog and slowly watch it clear up. It’s an experience that I will never forget.

Lake 22 and Mount Pilchuck
Beautiful scenery unveiled
Lake 22 clearing up
Mount Pilchuck peeping through the trees
Lake 22

Note for the reader: I share these locations so that others can see beautiful places and enjoy nature as much as I do. Please be respectful of the outdoors and what condition it is in when you visit. Don’t go off trail, leave no trace, and pack out what you came in with.

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